the six word memoir
there is a (not so) current writing trend that is really pretty profound. short but profound. what it is is that authors, writers, and such are writing their whole memoir in just 6 words. some creative ones that i have found are... Nobody cared, then they did. Why? - Chuck Klosterman 70 years, few tears, hairy ears. - Bill Querengesser "For Sale: baby shoes, never worn" -Ernest Hemingway recently people have been putting pictures to their 6 word memoir and they have been incredible. here are some on this NPR LINK . so i think it would be great if each one of us did one about ourself. perhaps post a photoshopped picture and 6 words, or just your 6 word memoir all on its own. either way, i think it would be so interesting to see each others lives in a simple 6 words. HERE IS MINE: .............. LEFT BEHIND A LEFT BEHIND CHILD .................... alternates for mine: always looking, never finding. feeling found. lonely child found fame, lost self. -stephen so SO many good ones...
These pictures are beautiful. And so is your story.
I know I know I totally spoiled your little title and you will most likely not reply to my last message. But....I really like this picture because it makes me think 'hmmmm what are they doing, I can't see what they are doing at the table....why won't he explain the freaken pic'. So to spite me you can just continue not responding to posts Tee-hee. Orrrr maybe you can??? Just jocking...or am I???
i visited the beautiful country of Haiti a few years back and i can totally relate to your experience. i would move there if i could. the people there are among the most amazing ive ever met.
thank you for sharing your experience.
Joy. Sadness. Love. Dispair. Hope. Especially hope.
I have never seen such hope as in the eyes of the Hatian people. Attending mass in Creole was one of the things that hit me most. They have endured so much yet know that better times will come. Thank you for sharing your pictures and your experience. God Bless.