imagine, encourage, inspire...

so i have been doing modesty for three years. in all this time i have told you to keep a journal, keep reading, inspire others, etc. but not once have i asked you to start a blog of your own.
so this is your project this week. start an online journal.
one of the the greatest teachers is failure, and to spread knowledge of shortcomings could help encourage others to not fall in the same trap, or stay away from whatever it was insnarred you. and its not just failure. you have the power to inspire. it doesnt matter who you are, what you did or have not done, or how many friends you think you might have, or not have. you touch someones life, whether you see it or not.

its very easy to start a blog. first go to or or im sure there are seveal thousand by now.

on its quite self explanitory, and in three steps you can be sharing your thoughts with the world.
once you post your first blog post, please comment on this entry because i want to read whatever it is that is on your heart.
several of you have blogs and i check them out when you comment. i must say, i am encouraged by the intellectually stimulating and thought provoking blogs i have visited. and for that, thank you.
your friend,


Anonymous said…
Hey Stephen,
Just wanted to give another thanks for keeping up with your blog.
And as you requested-
I've had this blog for awhile, though I wouldn't say it's very "intellectualy stimulating or thought provoking", but I thought I'd share it anyways.
Hope you are well.
Anonymous said…

picture's worth a thousand words. i'll be seeing you this sunday in detroit, hopefully interviewing too!

Anonymous said…
I recently started An Ounce of Hope ( I'm trying to figure out what all I want to do with it, but I want to use it to do exactly what you say -- give people hope, inspiration, encouragement, etc.
Micah said…
stephen, i just started my own blog and i hope that you visit it and as i write more i can inspire you as you have inspired me.
Kaila said…
Online journals are fun and I like them because I'd rather type than write... yet I keep both an online blog and a written journal.

By the way, talking with you tonight was such a pleasure. And to know that the story I gave you meant that much to you, and that it's on your desktop on your computer means so much to me, you'll never know. Thanks so much. Good luck with Honduras whenever you go.

Anonymous said…
Your blog is a refreshing read in an interesting world of "rockstar" writings.

I have never commented before, but you asked so I obliged by linking my blog as my website. It is not intellectually stimulating or particularily fulfilling, but it helps me organize my t houghts and puts them out into the world. Sometimes the resonat with the people who need to hear them most.
Anonymous said…
I dont think I can count how many times your blog has inspired entries of my own, and how many times I've linked people to this site. It's just that amazing. And every post gets even better, even more personal than the one before.

Thank you for sharing your life with us, Stephen. It's a joy to be a part of.
Anonymous said…
As I've said before, I love your blog, and it truly does inspire me.

I've had mine for 1066 days (so almost 3 years), or so they tell me. I write in it, i leave, and yet for some reason i always come back.
I suppose there is something about it I'm drawn to. Its a way of showing people a part of me they wouldnt see otherwise, something i'd be afraid to show them.

I doubt it is an inspiration, but it's the honest thoughts of girl lost and dazed in this world. And thats the most i have to offer.
Anonymous said…
ok so i've decided to give this a shot. and as you requested...

it isn't much, but it's a start. i also wanted to say thank you. your music, and your blog, have meant more to me than i could ever state here.
Kimberly said…
I completely agree. I've had about a billion blogs, and recently started this more 'personal' one ( on here. Only a few friends read it, but I tend to say other stuff on my MySpace blog as well. Either way, blogs hopefully help those who read it, but I find that it also allows the writer to look back on their own life and be nostaglic or enlightened. Yours has definitely helped and inspired me. I truly appreciate the 3 years worth of effort you've put into it. :)

- Kimberly
Sarah Noel said…
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anthony prince said…
a quick "thank you" for your encouraging words.
one week until my bride and I are leaving our wedding to the sounds of Time and Confusion.
thanks for that too ;)
MH said…
Hey Stephen.

I've been blogging for about two years-ish now, and so instead of a first post, you get a mini blurb right here because I just got back from London.

In a word: AMAZING. It was so hard to leave, even though I missed my family, because I am in love with England. I got to see Oxford for the first time in my life, and fell in love with the school all over again, and sighed many a sigh of happiness over just being in places heroes of mine had been, etc.

And after being so worried about problems and strained friendships with others going with me, God stepped in and everything I had been so nervous about just vanished. Not a single arguement (and that's probably a record for a friend of mine and I).

I hope things are going well on your end.

Josh said…
So I actually did start one today of some stuff I've written. Thank you for the motivation.
Peter Christian said…
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Peter Christian said…
hey, i actually started this thing a few weeks ago but its still fairly new:

thank you, stephen, for your open honesty and unique perspective on many issues in todays world; and also for showing people that musicians are human and mess up just like anyone else. thank you.

Anonymous said…
I hope that you have a good day today. It's 3 in the morning right now- there is nothing but potential... to the future.

With love,
Anonymous said…
I actually just started blogging about a week ago for the very reasons you talked about. I'm not that great at expressing myself through the computer, but it'll come with time. Thanks for all the encouragement!!!
Anonymous said…
Hey Stev-o!!!
Well, I finally got a new blog, because I had trouble with my other one figuring out what was wrong with it, I just got another one. Best on luck to my friend with all of your traveling & figuring out where to fit in you time away from the other boys!!!!
Meg-a-roni said…
Sorry, my new blog is:

Anonymous said…
I've been reading this for awhile now and yea... I've kept a blog for a few years now, but the first one was just poems and stuff (which I deleted a couple years ago) and then the one I have currently(Another Attempt), I've had since 2004 but I go through phases where I delete all of the entries and start over again... So it doesn't go that far back. Also, I have another one and it's kinda, not so happy and cheerful. I used to keep it set to 'public' for a little bit, but I got too scared. I made it public again, just not letting anyone know... Until now.. So, that one (Stories Behind Scars) is, um... It's a part of me that needs to be known.
Anonymous said…
whups, i forgot the link.
here it is:
Anonymous said…
Hey Stephen,

I don't really post a lot of in-depth thought on this, but I thought I'd post it anyway:

If anything I have a lot of cool photos on there I took. I recently re-did the site and turned it into a photo-blog of some sort. Check it out if you have a chance. Thanks.
Unknown said…
I've kept a LiveJournal off and on for the past several years now, but most of it is only viewable to LJ friends... (

So about a year ago, I started another, more public one. Updates have been sporadic, but I'd like to take up regular blogging again, especially after reading this post. If you'd like to pay it a visit, it's

I don't know about "intellectually stimulating," but there you go. :)

Thanks for keeping up with this blog here. I've enjoyed reading your thoughts, and I feel like I appreciate you and the music even more as a result. Always refreshing and interesting to read.

nadia [♥] said…

i thought i would take you up on the assignment....i just started it tonight so there isn't much but i definatley will be putting up some more stuff.

i actually never thought about doing a blog...i always write my thoughts down so nobody else can see....maybe this is a good thing.

i'm curious to hear what you have to say.

sarah said…
i actually opened mine up a little while ago but i just now realized that i haven't really kept up with it. but it's just in case you get bored.
Anonymous said…
Hey Stephen. Good to see you encouraging people to write and write deeply. I think theirs a lot that can be learned from other peoples lives and most of the time we dont see it because people are too scared to open up. Anyway my blogs at if your ever bored.
Anonymous said…
i read your blog quite often and find it inspiring. if you'd like:

thought-provoking or intellectually stimulating? not every entry fits in that category, but i'm working on it. take care.

andrya said…
Thank you Stephen for encouraging me to start a blog. It is something I have needed to do for years and I just needed that push to finally do it and you were indeed that push. I love reading your blog and I appreciate you sharing your thoughts with others, your words have helped me in so many ways and I thank you for that.

Cori said…
I've recently tried to step up my efforts as a blogger. Unfortunately I'm not very good at it. I was discouraged from writing my thoughts down as a child and I think that still haunts me today...
k said…
not just started, but continued...after yet another long hiatus.
Anonymous said…

its nice to reflect back on life and try to figure out it's mysteries.

Unknown said…
i've had ,ine for a while now and i must say that i haven't posted a 'deep' post in a while. thanks for the reminder.
meg said…
i've attempted to make many blogs, but never kept up with them. here's to another try.
Scooby said…
I imagined, and hopefully inspired. Read about my Indonesia outreach, and maybe see some pictures. When I can get my CD out of my defunct laptop.
Sarah Joy said…
hey.. thank you so much for your email too. i was really grateful for the few words of wisdom written.

i am again inspired by your blog. thank you.

Janine said…
Two months later.... lol.. Well, this'd be like my third blog, but may as well take a shot at a completely open one that nobody I know actually knows about....
Anonymous said…
Thank you Stephen
I have always wanted to do exactly what the title of this post says: Imagine, encourage, inspire.
You are such an amazing person. I just created a blog. I am so glad because now im going to start to put my thougts out there instead of just being quiet.
Thank You
Anonymous said…
i agree with your thought on blogging. and soren is one of my fav's. and there were these christian ancients who came out and called the holy spirit a wild goose. i love it, because if you surrender to the wild goose, you have no idea where you end up next. thanks for writing bro, keep it up! feel free to drop me a line at my
tabitha said…
you inspire me
and you make me think
-thank you
Anonymous said…
im soooooo late to this enrty, but i have a blogspot too! mine has yet to achieve an "intellectually inspiring" level, but hey, you never know, maybe one day.
michael said…
i would't say my blog is "intellectually stimulating or thought provoking". its more for me than anything else. it was to get me to start thinking and writing more and then to remember what i had done now in the years to come. so it is more my private journal, but if someone gets something out of my intellectually defunct blog then that is a major bonus. well here it is: thanks
uncannytraveler said…
hey Stephen. again, the more I read your blog, the more my perspective changes. and I realize so many things. thank you so much.
i started a blog. it's nowhere as deep as yours. but, it's a start.
thank you for being inspiring. God Bless.

preston said…
i blogged for a couple years, then stopped, and now i'm giving it another shot.

stephen, if you're reading this, drop me a line or two!

and next time you're home, we should get together, meet, and hit a coffee shop ... waddya say?
x said…

comprising most of the pieces of my soul, est. 2004. ;)
Anonymous said…

I haven't blogged in a while...and I tend to mostly blog when I'm in a downer mood. But there it is if you feel like reading.
Most people don't know this blog exists actually!
Anonymous said…
feel free to check out my blog. i occassionaly post quotations u posted here too. its to remind me of how great things did happen.
Anonymous said…
heyy stephen,

thank you for suggesting that we write. ive never been much of a writer but it really seems to help. i never thought i had so much to say.
<3 Kait
Willow Clouse said…
i know this comment is a little late, but you inspired me to make a blog, i was thinking about for a while then i finally decided that i want my thoughts to be read. so i made my first post!

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