Egon Schiele

i discovered this artist on my holiday in austria, there were several pieces from egon schiele scatered around town in different museums. at the moment he is my favorite painter, so please explore this 'tortured artist'.

'Egon Schiele (June 12, 1890 – October 31, 1918) was an Austrian painter, a protege of Gustav Klimt, and a major figurative painter of the early 20th century. Due to the highly-charged nature of his drawings and paintings, because of his suffering from dystonia, and his premature death, Schiele has come to epitomise the popular image of the tortured artist.'

*listen to 'cocorosie' while looking through egon's collection @


Anonymous said…
very intresting
D said…
Ha... try selling that in a Christian bookstore...
Anonymous said…
there is an artist named jesse reno you might like also. just a thought.
Micah said…
Three things I found interesting while reading about him...
1. that such a great artist could suffer from dystonia. you'd think that would definitely hinder his ability to complete a painting.
2. that he attended a school that adolf hitler was rejected by
3. that he was imprisoned for creating drawings that were considered pornographic.

thanks for the introduction.
Hans said…
It's an interesting blend of stylized and rough-'round-the-edges. Rather like Norman Rockwell, if Rockwell had been a 'real' artist.

It's also incredibly emotionally charged.
Anonymous said…
Sometimes I wonder how people can be crazy enough to come up with something so different and are still physically capable of painting something that detailed.
Anonymous said…
That was random, amazingly random.

Nice nice!
Anonymous said…
Funny how dystonia can be seen as a monstrous disease or a blessing in disguise. Of his paintings, I've found the self portraits to be the most intriguing. Thanks for posting that!
Pop-Punk Junkie said…
Schiele's paintings remind me a lot of Kathe Kollwitz's drawings. Obviously they're very different in subject and medium, but the overall mood of the art is similiar.
Anonymous said…
In regards:
Please listen to "Music for Egon Schiele" by Rachel's. He wrote a ballet and this absolutley stunning classical-experimental band (mind blowing on all their albums) composed the score.
You will not be dissapointed, this I swear. By this or any of Rachel's albums...
oxygen.intake said…
hmm. how interesting that you just posted this.

i take sculpture classes at a local museum, and last night noticed a huge print of a self portrait outside the studio. i went to check who the artist was because the piece really grabbed me.

egon schiele.

you have good taste.
Monica Hickey said…
This is Monica Hickey from CHWC. This is the only damn place I can find away to get a hold of you.
Email me if you can -
I see that you are going to be in orlando. Maybe we can grab a coffee.
Monica Hickey said…
This is Monica Hickey from CHWC. This is the only damn place I can find away to get a hold of you.
Email me if you can -
I see that you are going to be in orlando. Maybe we can grab a coffee.
miksiemanym said…
I was reading some of the old posts about india and success and I thought of a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson that I think sums up what true success is. "To laugh often and much, to win respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends. To appreicate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition,to know even one life has breethed easier because you have lived...this is to have succeeded."
Emily Grace said…
i just read your interview in Relevant and I wondered if you could explain this quote. "Here is a line; where am I drawing the line in my own salvation?" I know for myself I've tried to draw lines in my own salvation, to limit God's grace and that's what the line suggested to me, but I wondered if that's what you meant. Happy touring!
Anonymous said…
I thought it was pretty interesting that he died on Halloween. But anyway, his paintings are really good.
amyelizabeth said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
amyelizabeth said…
Well, now I feel like an idiot for accidentally deleting my original comment.

So, I'm going to leave another, saying the same thing. Hah.

Wonderful paintings. The music also goes with them very well.

Perhaps you should suggest (to CocoRosie) incorporating his work into their performances. (I saw them in concert some time ago, and while they play, they have mad little bits of art being projected on a screen behind them.)
Anonymous said…
Wow, what a talented and unique artist. :) His self portraits are pretty interesting. Thanks for showing us!
Kaila said…
You have interesting taste in art. It's very interesting for lack of a better word.

Stephen, random information: I just wanted to tell you that the lyrics to Cities really speak to me. I think you are changing my life all over again.
Angelika said…
I love Shiele's work almost as much as Klimt's...
Anonymous said…
I think the second painting is my favorite. it's so vulnerable and insightful. there's pain and hope in each brushstroke.
Anonymous said…
BANANA-MONKEY-BUTT-FACE!!!!!!!!!! randomer? More random? I THINK NOT! but seriously, who's to say.
Anonymous said…
What museums did you see Egon Schiele's work at? I was just curious so I could visit them.
Anonymous said…
Oh and if you remember me email is
Anonymous said…
omg i love Schiele
i know this was written over 2 years ago
but yes....
i love him soooo much
his work is just sucj a contrast from everything else at his time
pity he died so young
he could really have gone sooo far

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