
"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education alone will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race."
-John Calvin Coolidge


Anonymous said…
"unrewarded genius is almost a proverb"

that about sums me up.
Abby M said…
As usual, you inspire me. Thank you. =]
Chris said…
'...the world is full of educated derelicts.' I love that line!
Anonymous said…
I really needed to read that today. Thanks. :)
Hans said…
The parable about the judge who feared neither God nor man, and the persistent widow is one of the more intriguing stories Jesus told, in my opinion.

Hey, I've got something to add to previous post, concerning change: this post.
oxygen.intake said…
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oxygen.intake said…
reading these words this morning has helped me more than you'll know.

thanks again for the inspiration you provide for so many.
JuJu said…
Persistance is only relevent to you if one has something to be passionate about. Anything less and your persistance is temporary, fading out as quickly as your fleeting desires.

I'm not being cynical I promise. I just haven't found my passion yet.
Anonymous said…
The American dream eh? Everything is within reach when you try hard enough. All the makeable-life writings are very inspiring and optimistic and stuff but I wonder whether it's true, whether we're not just drooling all over the theory while in reality nothing happens or changes.

But there's one reason that motivates me to hold on to certain dreams: if I'll fail, which is sometimes very likely even though I'll persist, at least I will be able to look at myself in the mirror and remind myself "at least I tried with everything that was in my might" and then have peace with it.

I think we have to face (and live with) the fact that a certain percentage (say, 70%, maybe more?) of our plans, hopes and dreams will always remain plans/hopes/dreams and never reality. When you're not aware of this the risk is big that you'll turn into a bitter, dissappointed and disillusionated human being without resilience in the end.

The trick is - in my humble opinion - to remain childlike, to dare to expect a lot from life in spite of previous dissappointments, to challenge yourself AND to keep both feet on the ground, in the dirt - don't loose touch with your current situation and try to come up with practical ways to build the bridge from your daily life to that project or dream or whatever it is you should persist for.

But know that with certain things you can persist till you stop breathing and it simply will not happen. That's called life, I think?

I'm not trying to discourage anyone, wait, maybe I am, no I'm not- I just want to add that you should realize that you can expect a lot of dissappointment too, so you better arm yourself against it - not by not trying anything and lock yourself up, but by going for it 100% while being prepared for bruises.

Or something.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for posting that, man. It was the precise encouragement that I needed.

Anonymous said…
This blog coincides with the previous one. The Persist and 1% blogs are both about having determination and motivation to pursue things that are worthwhile or that one is passionate about.

My passions are what keep me up at 2am...

I would say that I'm a creature of habit, only my routines don't seem to follow what one would call a 'normal' time schedule. Sometimes I work out at 2am, other times I write emails to friends, and other times I read, which is what I intend to do after posting this.

I think that inconsistencies in a person's routine vary person to person, but we can make it a goal to change that if we want to see results sooner. I think the baby steps approach is a good one *sometimes*. You do have to take the first step in a marathon and with each one after you're closer and closer to the finish line; however, I'm a 'bigger picture' person, and holding the ultimate goal or vision in mind is the only thing that keeps me motivated about something.

So I don't think the huge gap between 'here' and 'there' as far as taking the leap towards achievement should be so such an intimidation as a dangling carrot to encourage action.

And lastly on the subject of persistence, when I said that I was going to take a break from writing and you said NOO, I understand that even if you're busy or whatnot and not able to lend an ear, it's still beneficial to 'me'..It gives me a chance to introspect and unravel my own memoirs of my life. So thank YOU.

Anonymous said…
excellent quote stephen. i just read a bunch of your old blogs, and they're really inspiring. can't wait to see what comes next...
Anonymous said…
Well, the key is persistence will FINALLY pay off, Im still in hopes of that. I guess I will be like the widow in the Bible who wouldnt stop bugging the rabi until she got what she wanted. Funny how we can be nice and respectful and go nowhere but, as soon as we become a pest we get noticed and the other person or people will do anything so we leave them alone. Sad but true. Yet, persistence is a wonderful thing especially in this life when most people just give up and feel beat, but those who persist will eventually get to where they are going and be successful. Example; Abraham Lincoln he ran for president more than once and finally he was elected and due to his persistence Slavery was abolished. Hope you are Well and Happy.

your persistent friend,
-A :)
johnny_VIRUS said…
Try not to become a man of success but a man of value. (Albert Einstein)

With an elaborate combination of persistance and perseverance, one can reach any goal. Thanks for your words, Stephen. They help when times seem dire and foggy.

Once again, you have said words that sum up most of our lives.

Currently, I am attempting to write a book, and have been working on it slowly, but surely, for the past two or three weeks.

Stephen, you constantly amaze me with the way that you can make me feel as if there is true hope in todays world, even after all of what has happened in the past eight years to everyones morale levels.

Through your words and your music, either with Anberlin or Anchor & Braille, you constantly inspire me.

Thank you, Stephen. You give a lot of us hope, when we feel that all is lost.
Chloe Schmidt said…
My assumption is that every artist constantly feels this way. It's hard to be successful in the arts and we artists often find ourselves discouraged.

As an artist, how many times has someone told you that you are talented, boosting your confidence, only to have that confidence destroyed once you don't succeed?
Gwen Buchanan said…
I do believe this is true... very inspirational and worth following up!!!
Anonymous said…
Persistance!!!! I can't tell you how many times I've seen fellow musicians who were incredibly talented but somehow never made it. I've often wondered why. I asked some of them...and they've said this: "I just gave up." Great post! Words to live by!!
Steph Gentry said…
I just read this today and needed it. Thanks.

Also, Mike Gentry from Joey's Loss wanted me to tell you hello and he hopes you are well...
Joanna said…
I don't know if you're a fan of Coldplay or not, but I though you might want to read this , knowing that you're influenced by Christianity
Jenny said…
Very true. Unless you persist in pushing back the walls they may as well be pushing in on you. Unless you start pushing, you'll always be stuck.

SYA♡ said…
You're amazing :)
Latrina said…
Oh god, that's one of my favorite quotes. Inspirational.
Anonymous said…
It is continually surprising to me what the mere act of persistence will yield. Most of the better people and experiences in my life have been the unexpected results of aimless searching. Even when there has been a goal in sight, just the forward motion of repeatedly putting myself out there has lead me to things far greater, and often far different, than what I originally planned.

"Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never, Never, Never, Never give up."
Story of a Girl said…
Hm. Good point. That percentage rate make sense. I guess that is why one of the fruit of the spirit that is most difficult to attain is self-control. You need self control in order to discipline yourself. Though I think for myself, I changed. I was more disciplined and then I became more undisciplined, unorganized, and need of many post-its and to-do lists;) But I think the key is to put God, family, spouse, etc. whatever your priority are first, and then ensure that you are doing what's truly important today... but not get overwhelmed if you don't get it done. Hopefully, tomorrow will still be there. If one wants to do something, one will do that, whether they're busy or lazy. You just have to want it. Or sometimes maybe just one has to be dependent, as in the case of prayer... maybe I don't want to pray sometimes. Yet, I have to pray, because I can't survive without doing so. Good luck :)
Eve said…
Whoa..I lived this one. My father was an educated derelict. I spent my life trying to not repeat this bit of history. So far, so good..thanks Dad. You were an inspiration after all!

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