

christopher. said…
I posted this on twitter as well:

I would visit the far stretches of the universe and see, without fear, remorse, or second-guessing, what everyone else is missing.
Mich said…
ditto with christopher, but i replied on both fb and twitter:

twitter: to love unconditionally, and without fear

fb: to write, not just for myself, but also for the world.
Ryan said…
Answer: What would be the fun in that? Life is all about overcoming challenges; without an obstacle, there can be no victory.
Anonymous said…
i answered this on twitter but whatevs...
i'd tell that certain guy how i feel about him.
i'd apply to my dream schools that i cannot afford.
i'd get my family out of debt so we don't have to move out of the house i've lived in my whole life.
Unknown said…
I would definitely retake the LSAT. And I would ask the boy I'm in love with to marry me. And I think I'd go to Darfur and Uganda and make a bid for peace there.
Brilliant question. Lately I've been thinking about how sometimes I wish I could go back in time and warn myself about choices I'll end up making in the future. But then I'd lose that teaching moment, and I would have forgotten why I wanted to go back in the first place. All we have is here and now, and all the talents God has given us to try for what we want, even with potential failure.
D said…
I'd move to be with and marry the guy I love, and become someone who would help the church learn how to love gay people. (Ha there's something that would be impressive to not fail at!)
James Cailet said…
I'd fix this.
Jessica said…
I would like to change the world for the better. I'm not sure how though... Maybe solve world hunger?
Liz M. said…
I would learn every language and dialect known to mankind. The ability to chat with anyone anywhere. How awesome would that be?! So much could be learned, so much could be relayed, so many could be reached and understood.

P.S I should be studying, but the question stole my mind away. Thank you for instigating procrastination on my part;)
aletheia said…
Great question. Every time I think of an answer, I realize how I could be using this opportunity for much better purposes. Immediately, I thought: Ask him to consider dating me. Then, I thought: Ask my friend to accept Jesus. Then, play the lotto and use the money to end hunger. But I have a feeling that I could never come up with a satisfactory reply.
Anonymous said…
we have this in the back entrance of our stage at school. it's cool to have encouragement like that, we can do so much if we believe and allow god to work in us. thanks for your thoughts.

Brightest said…
"Of course it's hard. It's supposed to be hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. "

In a way I like the possibility of failure, it makes success that much sweeter. I'm not saying that I love the road it takes to get there, because I hate it 95% of the time, but knowing that I accomplished something when I could fail is an amazing feeling.

Of course...I'd be lying if I said there wasn't anything. I'm going to go with: give my heart to someone, get in and rock the University of Washington's Clinical Psychology graduate program, and fix multiple problems in the world.
Unknown said…
What would YOU do? :]
Alex said…
Nothing because it would be a false achievement
Melanie said…
I'd be ridiculously active in church. I'd also record an acoustic album of hip hop/rap cover songs.
Anonymous said…
I would deffinatly want to learn every language. That would be so amazing. No more need for a translator while I go on missions trips. I could just talk to the locals without having that huge language barrier.
Angela said…
Travel the world (the entire word) safely, without risk of harm. Learning other cultures languages and ways of living, how they are taught, could greatly help us be more tolerant.
Make Black Velvet the best-selling magazine in the world that was bought and read by everyone. I am trying but it's hard!

And I'd convince the world to become vegan and stop abusing/using/eating animals.

And ask a cute guy (who would of course then be vegan) to be my boyfriend.

There are other things I'd do but I don't know how - such as changing the entire world, getting rid of the recession, making sure everyone on low (or no) income had enough to survive etc, stopping everything that's cruel to anyone or anything.
guard my dreams said…
i would just give in and go to Belmont to major in flute performance and do what i love without worrying about whether a career would come out of it or not. i would tell my brother and the other atheists in my life the Truth more often. i would speak out and share my opinions more often without worrying about if im right or not. i would stop worrying about me and my boyfriend being 5 hours away from each other next year because i know we can work it out.
Eve said…
If I knew I could not fail: I would drop my guard and be the one that forgives in my own little circle. I would hope that this would begin a ripple the rings in a pond...until the forgiveness spreads as far as I could see. If you have ever witnessed a pebble drop into a pond you know the entire surface becomes effected with ring after ring: resonating outward until the last one reaches the very edge, and then calm after wards. That would be a welcome change in my world...peace on the surface! You would think this would be easy, but I find it is not.
Nishant said…
I would fail.
Anonymous said…
go to med school and become a doctor
Jenn said…
I would abandon my pursuit of academia and pursue my passions. I'd work to run a non profit. I'd be politically active, again. Finally, I'd find a way to be involved in my first passion, the passion I was born with and never had to find, music.

Thanks for posting this question. It's something I've been thinking about a lot lately, but have been to afraid to confront directly because I was afraid to face the answer.

Now that we've all shared, it's your turn. What would you do?
Anonymous said…
i would leave my own personal group of friends and join a completely new one with people i've never met before, because i think they'd probably understand me more than anybody else in my life.
More Than Alive said…
I think it's a bit ironic that the things so many people have suggested are actually things they could accomplish with the right will, preperation, and determination. It's amazing what we can do if we put our minds to it. Sounds cliche, but so true.

Some of the first things that I thought of were curing different diseases (including my own), protect the children in the world from having to suffer, etc. The only reason I would NOT wish to correct those things as a whole is because I believe that there's a purpose to everything in this world - even suffering. There must be opposition in all things - if I didn't feel pain I wouldn't know how to comfort those who suffer...if there weren't opportunities to serve others nobody would ever serve...but that's just the functionalist in me.

Like I said on Twitter, I will stick with the same answer that I've had since I was very young. I would cure my mom's kidney disease. She's done so much good in this world and one of the best things I could ever do, if I had the ability, would be to cure her so she could finally feel healthy and normal again. All my life she's been in and out of the hospital and suffered greatly. I've never heard her complain though. I think it's about time she caught a break. What a wonderful accomplishment it would be to have her healthy again! :-)
Unknown said…
i would probably never stop eating ice cream
Anonymous said…
Be as the Bible says we ought to be which is "love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind and strength" I fail so often at this and would pray to never fail at this ever again. I know that when we are "raptured" up to meet he Lord in the air we will never fail again because we will be living with our perfect Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for eternity!
Shepherd said…
My answer is borrowed from Shane Claiborne -
Anonymous said…
I'd go to Haiti. I'd visit every little village that my Grandmother stayed at while she was a volunteer nurse. I'd spend time there raising money for building new schools in safe places. After that, I would love to travel to other less privaleged countries in South America and Africa. I want to help educate the world's children.
iwanttoplayguitarlikejoeymilligan said…
1. Start a band.
2. Write a book.
3. Try to meet Anberlin. ;)
Chris said…
I can think of many answers but here are a few:

- write a book of utterly profound quotes

- learn to swim / fail=drown ;)

- go back to school - maybe medicine - genomics/personalized medicine is a hot topic
Anonymous said…
Somehow get others to not be so quick to judge. I would love it if people got to know someone before disliking them. There are to many people in the works that judge others by how they dress, and I am guilty of this as well. But I am trying to change :)
Now it's your turn...what would you do Stephen?
aimee said…
I would speak my mind and tell everyone I met about God's love, and trust that they would hear and listen to what I said. I would get on a stage and sing my heart out. I'd start a massive volunteer/charity organization. I'd give my heart to somebody else. I would confront a mirror without the fear of what I would see, and I would change.

Thanks for this question. I'd like to know your answer as well. :)
D. N. said…
i would drop out of school, and join the many others who are in movement to change the world for the better.
Anonymous said…
erin marie said…
I would be a painter as a profession.
breakofdaylight said…
When I first saw this I immediately thought 'yes! I would be able to stop worrying about what grades I'm going to get this semester.' I believe 'I would fly' was my next thought followed by others of the same sort.

When I saw this question again on twitter I thought 'I'd finally be able to really help people the way I want to.' and then I realized that if I knew I couldn't fail I'd stop worrying about my future. I'd know whatever choice I made would be the right one. I wouldn't be so afraid. Too often I let fear hold me back.

It's a really great question. So many thoughts running through my head now. :) Thanks for sharing.
Laura said…
I would get my father to quit drinking for good, so he could embrace his three children while they're still embracing him.
Anonymous said…
i would travel the world and visit the places in the books i read.

i would buy my boyfriend and i a house for when we are married with his own studio so we could make music and he can to all that technical recording stuff he loves

i would start dancing again

i would restore my sisters faith in Christ

i would write a book and hope that people would be influenced to follow there desires

i would not be judgmental

i would never lie

i would finish everything that i started.
ivyorion said…
What would I attempt to do if I knew I could not fail?

I would take 18 hours every semester and every class I could over the summers, simultaneously working my ass off to get money to pay for my apartment. After passing all those classes, I'd get a good solid Gen Studies degree, and then proceed to figure out what the hell I'm doing in life.
I ... Read Morewould write several books throughout life that would mean something to someone, make someone see something in a completely new and different way. I'd contact someone, give them some song lyrics, and watch them hit the radio on Top 20 Hits.
I wouldn't be afraid. I wouldn't worry. I wouldn't be scared.
Janelle said…
Everything I've ever considered doing. But I'm going to take the uncertain leap anyway.
amanda said…
Honestly, I love the blood, sweat and tears that come with everyday life. The failures make success so much the sweeter and anything worth having or doing costs something. That's the only way we can realize it's value. There is a reason failure exists, so that we don't take anything for granted.
~Sarah said…
in addition to running a marathon, I'd probably sky dive or hike up a mountain.

I still pray that the Lord would heal me one day, but if not, at least I'll be healed in heaven!

I highly doubt there will be any of those activities in heaven though
Anonymous said…
Go to med school and become a surgeon! And if I had all the money it took :)
Anonymous said…
I'd like to build the world a home
And furnish it with love
Grow apple trees and honey bees
And snow-white turtle doves.

I'd like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
I'd like to hold it in my arms
And keep it company.

I'd like to see the world for once
All standing hand in hand
And hear them echo through the hills
"All peace throughout the land."

(That's the song I hear)
I'd like to teach the world to sing
(That the world sings today)
In perfect harmony.

This song makes me thirsty...
Daniel Ryan said…
Immortality. Not in body. In the minds of others. Everyone.
Hannah said…
I would be doing so much more with my life then what I'm doing now.
Anonymous said…
I really like this question.
The more I think about it...and the things I would do....the things that never seemed possible....actually could become a reality.

So maybe it's not about what you would do if you knew you would not fail. Maybe it's about starting toward the goal as if you believe that already.
Rachel said…
i love so much of what everyone has said, and honestly I could go on forever about what I would do....

but right now, per what's on my mind a lot lately:

I would confess my love to the boy I love dearly, and not be afraid of being vulnerable for him, of loving him totally.

I would sing for all the world, and bring healing and hope through my voice.

same with my writing.^

but really, life would lose so much of its meaning if failure didn't exist. before we can rise with Christ, we must first fall down.

before there can be Eternal Life, we must first pass through the Veil of Death.

if we do not taste of adversity and suffering, how could we ever have strength, courage, compassion, understanding? knowing sorrow gives depth and meaning to our joy, allows us to experience joy.

Joanna said…
this is a hard question to answer. Is there still the lingering fear of failure? If someone other than yourself is involved, what of their desires? What if their own opinions of what it is they would want say, in a relationship or marriage, collides with your own? How can you not fail but in some aspect, they still do?

For some reason, this question doesn't sit well with me and it never has. It seems just a bit selfish in my opinion...then again, I already know that I am looking too hard into something that should be answered all too easily.

I can't help but ask questions like what I stated before. If you could write a book, is there still the chance that you didn't promote it right and no one comes to read it? What if you were able to gain fame but in the process, lose your true values and roots? What if the world isn't ready to change even though you are? What if...I don't know...this question just appears too broad for me to answer properly...if that makes any sense...

again, I'm looking too far into the subject.

But, nevertheless, if it's not too much trouble, it would be nice if I could hear your opinion. What is it that you would do, Stephen?
eugenia said…
I would strive to be a better person because the strength of my qualities are eternally inadequate to appease anyone... which makes it really difficult to live time
Latrina said…
I also posted this on FB:

I'd completely abolish hate & cruelty.
Marsh said…
I would channel all my energy to develop some sort of telepathy that allowed me to communicate with God and Satan at the same time and interview them like the athiest and the pastor I reaa about in Newsweek oneday. What? I couldn't fail. Best to aim high.
Chelsea Michael said…
i would tell him that i'm proud of him, and that i miss him terribly. most of all i would tell him that i love him, and that he is gone but never forgotten.
Anonymous said…
I really love reading all of these responses. It's a beautiful thing.

If I knew I could not fail, I would not judge others or hurt anyone else's feelings. I would go to California and become an actor and be apart of something amazing. Most of all, I would love myself and finally be comfortable with who I am.
Anonymous said…
i think that we should do everything we want to do with mindset that we can't fail, and if we do fail, try again tomorrow :D
Anonymous said…
try to fail
taylor oehlke said…
i would tell the person i think love that i love them.
Nishant said…
In retrospect, I wouldn't want to fail.

I would want to succeed.
ted said…
hmm i would lead a huge demonstration that would inspire a movement that would create a worldwide revolution, all for selflessness & Christianity to "tear down the walls that the world has put inside our heads" (cite rocket summer)
Maggie said…
wow! what a simple yet great question, I'm going to have to think about this one ( the point, but yeah)
bren said…
Possibly a shallow response, but I'd find my dream girl and make her mine.
jayelliott said…
i'd give up my job and find guys to tour the songs i've written to lead people in with my quiet, and not so quiet, words.
Kate said…
live off the land
Rover Fox said…
I'd do it all.
Sarah said…
if i could not fail..

i would attempt to find a cure for cancer

join a band good enough to go on tour with anberlin :]
Sarah said…
i would move to a foreign country, learn a foreign language, help people in desperate need, move to the US and intern for TWLOHA, forgive myself and live without fear.
Anonymous said…
If I could not fail...

1. Find my future husband and get married.
2. Go on tour with Anberlin...or Anchor&braille...where I would meet you, you would then ask me for my number but I would refuse, at first. After the 3 time I give it to you and our first date would be at a park and we would be having a picnic under a tree surrounded by humming forward 2 years. Were snorkling in Hawaii when we stumble upon a treasure chest. I open it to find the ring. And thus fulfill number 1.
Hey I can't fail...
Ryan said…
I would love as much as I want to love, and stop holding back.
Eden-Joy said…
I would love and write and travel and live beautifully, radically, wonderfully for my Emmanuel. I would be light to all that came to my path.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
travel the world.
go on a whole tour with a band, not as a performer. but as a fan.
Anonymous said…
Laugh, love, live free, and sing
Anonymous said…
You know what's funny about this question? Nothing is impossible with God... But I don't know if people really believe that. I know I don't all the time. What restrictions we give ourselves! We can do all things through Christ. If I believed that all the time,
.I would walk/swim (like through oceans when I'm on my way to Australia...) everywhere.
.I would be the Proverbs 31 woman.
.I would go back to school.
.I would spread the gospel to every ear on earth.
Anonymous said…
This was actually a very hard question to answer. Because we often just dismiss the idea of things that feel near impossible.

If I knew I couldn't fail, I'd want to do something to change just one person's life before I die. Except, interestingly enough; that's one of the hardest things to accomplish.
I like this question a lot. I've asked myself the same thing so many times and yet, I can never come up with an answer that I'm satisfied with.

But, I've given it a lot of thought lately.
And I would do anything in this world to be successful. I wouldn't be afraid to be myself. I would do everything I could to make something of myself. I would never give up on the people that walked into my life. I guess what I'm saying is, I would just be myself no matter whose around.
Anonymous said…
I would do everything and anything I could to love every single life I could touch. And I would inspire people to do things too, big things, world changing things. . .
Cimara said…
i used to go into book stores and write this question in journals. i actually saw a sales associate read it once. the look on their face devastated me.

i continually bring this question to the front of my mind, and i am only beginning on the journey to an answer.
Anonymous said…
Black Velvet Magazine - Do you eat marshmallows? Jam? Jelly? Take pills? Take pictures and print on photo paper? Use makeup? Yogurt?

You have to avoid so many more products than most vegan people do. All of the above products include animals.

If you claim to be vegan, I almost can guarantee that you use animal products or biproducts in your life somewhere, so doesn't that make you a hypocrit?

I wish we could all do certain things, but being a vegan is unhealthy if you don't take supplements (that normally also have animal parts used in their manufacturing).
Justanotherwriter said…
I'd send the book i'm writing to a publishing company, I'd go free-lance write...I'd provoke new and inspiring thoughts in the minds of Americans. I'd pursue change in every way possible.

But like people before me have said, part of life is not knowing if you'll succeed. It's going after things anyways and overcoming the fear of failure.
david bechtel said…
i would try to get back together with and marry my (until recently) fiance...
jaepi said…
I used this as my profile picture in fb and posted a link here. My answer.. idk, maybe learn and experience all the culture in this world.
Anonymous said…
Jerry Falwell was famous for asking that in convocations. I don't stand for all of what he did, but he was one heck of a good man.
Anonymous said…
Honestly, as selfish as it is, the first thing that came to mind when I read this was -I would try to engage a realtipnship with the guy that I am in love with- He is seeing someone else.. And I feel terrible that that was the first thing that came to mind, I quickly shoved it to the back of my mind. It just makes me wonder... If this oppertunity were really given to us, would we act on the first thing that comes to mind, that we subconsiously want the most? Or would we make an attempt just to please others?
LimeLiberator said…
There would be justice in the world. I would crush underfoot those who conspire to make a profit by bringing misery upon others... (Is that too militant?)

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