

KatieB said…
What an opportunity. I'm definitely going to discuss this with my mum and see if I can make it work.
I wish I could, Stephen. I wish I could.

One day, when I'm a little older, I'm going to go everywhere and change the world, just like you.

Til then, I pray. ;)
lil_meg said…
I wish I could Stephen, I really do. But all my money just went into my mission trip to Fiji. Next time I will. :D India and Africa are the two places that I want to go help out in. Full time ministry in Africa, hopefully (:
Unknown said…
Oooh, I am seriously considering this. I don't know how my mom would feel about my going to India during my Christmas break when at that point she will not have seen me for months... but... man I really am considering this. In fact, I think I'll email Sarah right now for the details. Thanks for the update Stephen.
Anonymous said…
No thanks, they've all got tons of money ever since Slumdog Millionaire came out.
Anonymous said…
so i was reading AP mag the other day and i saw an little mail from another reader about you and faceless in the hate/love mail section. made my day! check it.
Dianna said…
I just sent in my application/registration on Wednesday. Thanks for letting me know about it.
Anonymous said…
right one day before ma birthday :>
anyways ALL THE BEST
Anonymous said…

i want to help people, and i'm sure you make it as affordable as possible, but how the hell can people afford this kind of money for a few weeks?

i just don't understand - i dont care about making money, i want to help those less fortunate than me.......................................but i need to have a ton of money to be able to do so?
Adrienne said…
You got played on Canadian radio station run by Virgin last month. Congrats, thats pretty epic for a band under a Christian label.

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