sense of an accomplished day.

“When you do nothing, you feel overwhelmed and powerless. But when you get involved, you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better.”


nicogirl said…
"There are many ways to move forward, but only one way of standing still."

Franklin D. Roosevelt

One of my biggest fears is missing opportunities by over analyzing the situation. Diving into uncharted waters can be frightening, but how much worse can living with regrets be? Living life to the fullest takes courage. I hope I can earn my "Red Badge" some step at a time. I am still at it!
Anonymous said…
good word, stephen. right on


And you're doing a lot of stuff so...yeah!
Angela said…
I think you just described my weekends... the more I do nothing on a weekend, the less relaxing it is. The more I fill it for other's sake, the better it is.
More Than Alive said…
So, yesterday I stayed at work for 12 hours... I could have gone home earlier, but I stayed to help a coworker with his boss decided to email this morning and tell me that since he didn't understand how I did the work he decided that I should redo it his way... Sometimes getting more involved makes you feel a lot LESS accomplished...

You caught me on a not so positive day... maybe I'll come back and read this quote on a day that all of my efforts have actually accomplished something.

By the way, best of luck with Felt. :-)
Tunafish said…
Great quote. All the way.
the_hooz said…
i couldn't agree more, and whats funny is that me and my dad were talking about this today and how your body even reacts better and you are more healthy when you are out and doing things
amanda said…
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amanda said…
i'm very much experiencing that right now.

i like being able to throw myself into something, or someone(s), and seeing the results of my effort. it give s a sense of purpose, perhaps.
Story of a Girl said…
I definately see you working at making this world better. your music, your book, and especially your work with faceless are evidence of all you've done to make things better. thank you for sharing your creativity, your talent, and your heart with your fans and so many others :)

And the new album is so beautiful. it is wonderful. thank you for sharing yet another brilliantlly creative side of you!
Katrina said…
Wow, love it..
It couldn't have been said better any other way and I couldn't agree more.
Angela said…
Stephen... I wrote a blog post about you today :) have a read? It's pretty much right on this topic.

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