never remain.

'if you would attain to what you are not yet, you must always be displeased by what you are. for where you are pleased with yourself there you have remained. keep adding, keep walking, keep advancing.'

~saint augustine


Janelle said…
You always post the best quotes.
rachelogisys said…
I like this.
A lot.
Amandasaurus said…
But then again, can we really help changing? Whether we like ourselves or not, circumstances demand it. Frankly I prefer who I was three years ago to who I am now, but I'm growing up and the changes I'm making aren't really optional. I guess in that respect, the changes I'm forced to make force me to change more, so that who I have to be and who I want to be can one day be the same person.
jason said…
Augustine has tons of awesome stuff.
miss lynn said…
Amie said…
I'm so happy to see you posting again, Stephen...

This quote reminds me of those people who get stuck in their "glory days"... Something you mentioned a long long time ago, I believe...
Jeff Goins said…
Great quote. Helps me feel a little bit better about my constant lack of satisfaction.
The Seeker. said…
See, this quote for me sums up my life. It's like a horrible curse. I'm always looking so far into the future that I'm not enjoying life NOW. So while this is helpful to me because I'm always seemingly "moving forward"...sometimes it feels like you're not really living either. But I'm working on it. I want to be present in the here and now and make a difference while keeping an eye on the future. However, I also believe that contentment is the root of ruin. Great quote.

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