we are all going to die.
just a heads up.


Sven said…
someone is going to take this as a morbid or negative statement, in fact it is just the opposite. with the full knowledge that death is before us we now have the ability to live. i think we as humans live in denial, when we are young were immortal and someday when were old it will be inevitable. facing the future can be fearful for those who believe failure to be the end of perpetuation , but exciting for those who are willing to look it in the face and fight for it valiantly. we are going to die eventually, but should not go out without a fight.
sui solitaire said…
thanks for the reminder. :) happy belated birthday.
Tunafish said…
I often find myself thinking about what will happen if I died the next day or even later in the day. But even so, I am not always thinking that I will die, and often times I find myself thinking that I'm not gonna die. But right now I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna die. Not because I'm young (cuse I am pretty darn young) but because GOD has barely done anything with me yet compared to what He will do. Like this summer He's revealed that I need to lead my class and point/direct/lead/something to the effect that they run to Him. I don't think it's quite my time. But I've also recently read the book called She said yes about the Columbine High School massacre. I could just share my message then it be emphasized (lack or right word) by my death. I don't really know. But I know that I should do what GOD asks me no matter what. Even if I die. Slowly. and painfully. I'll still go to heaven and be with Jesus forever. And if not, I get to keep doing GOD's will and spread His word and bring people (closer) to Him. Jesus loves you! =)
Anonymous said…
Thanks for telling me what I all ready know! :)
Hudson said…
Unfortunately, humanity often needs more than a heads up.
Angela said…
Yep. :-) I look forward to it.. in a positive (not morbid) way! I have a lot of sleep to catch up on (jokes).

Stargirl said…
without life there is no death without death there is no life.
life is death and death is life. we should just live our lives while we can, before it is too late, because it truly is inevitable. i just personally try to fly into the future on inspiration's wings.
GazelleTrek said…
That's a good wake-up call. Happy belated birthday!
Tray Dawg said…
We talked about this at Crosswinds tonight. (Pretend you know what that is.) "1 out of 1 people die... the mortality rate's somewhere around 100%." :)
Foxy Shazzam said…
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The Seeker. said…
I think it keeps everything in perspective. Realizing how mortal you are, I mean. Life is now, not 5 minutes from now. This is all you have to work with. I say go for it! All of it. Live, live, LIVE!!! (By this, I'm not condoning destructive behavior. Just saying...do all you dream...unapologetically.) ~Chris
LimeLiberator said…
Yup... but not tonight.
death is just another part of life
val said…
this reminds me of the book "the book thief"
if you ever have some free time from being a musician/philosopher you should give it a skim :)
FxRcng said…
it would be absurd for a person to wanna take this as morbid or fallacious, especially when we realize the main idea behind death. yes, death is when a person ceases to show signs of life, but the aftermath of this event is the truth of death. death is simply separation. when we die, our spirits are separated from our bodies. this is considered the 1st death. the 2nd death, however, is something totally different and exclusive. the is then brought before the LORD (Jehovah) to be judged. if that spirit, while in its body, accepted Jesus Christ to its savior, then it will be permitted into heaven to forever be with the LORD. per contra, if the spirit denied Jesus Christ, or rather did not accept Him, then it will be eternally separated from the LORD in hell. this is the 2nd death.
personally, i'll stick to only having to die once.
Anonymous said…
I love this post. It's so similar to the way you used to write modesty in the beginning. I miss those old posts.
Kione said…
There are few things other than death that really allow you to put the happenings of the world into perspective. In light of death, some things become more important, and others become worthless.

Thanks for the thought.

Eden-Joy said…
Memento Mori ties right into Carpe Diem in my opinion. "Remember your mortality so seize the day while it's in front of you"
Those of us in the prime of our youth find it hard to believe that we are destructable.
Service instead of selfishness.
Anonymous said…
thank you very much for reminding me
to live life
and not let it just past by
dont let depression get in the way of dreams
Anonymous said…
****I so get this post.Recently i have been denied an opportunity because the person that was suppose to hand it to me didn't believe in me to succeed,or in him to succeed.We were suposed to do it together.I wanted to shake him so bad make him understand that this could all be over tomorrow.You shouldn't live in fear of failure.Life realy is to short.
Anonymous said…
Turning thirty is no small thing. It IS a great point of reference. You really will never be called a boy ever again. However older men are not quite ready to respect you. It's a little bit of a limbo.

So it might seem like an odd post on your 10,951st day on earth, but thirty is a solemn place to be. I agree with the earlier comment,I miss your older posts. Don't grow up too much! Neverland is an alright place to be! Don't be in a hurry to burn it down.

"You're impossible to figure out."

Sarah K (: said…
=( thanks stephen...

and happy very very very late birthday. i hope you still have my gift and letter that i gave you on your 28th bday (i believe) at warped!!!!!!!
Alesya said…
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the end does not mean failure, failure does not mean the end, rather; the end means the start of something else, and the start of something else could mean the end of another thing. a small definition of life
Fickle Cattle said…
Oh my god, I forgot. Damnit.

Kayleigh said…
"Judge if you want. We are all going to die. I intend to deserve it"
Anonymous said…
haha wow. thanks for the reminder.
YTINIFNI88 said…
Death is merely the point in which we change - depending on your beliefs that difference varies.

Death and Birth alike exist in cyclical chaos - every moment yields both, neither keep time

It is not Death that we all fear- it is leaving this overwhelmingly incredible place and those we cherish. Fear of no longer being able to have what makes us alive!

Far too strong is our ability to wield emotion - so powerful that right in the middle of all our worry and fear - the biggest point is overlooked.

Don't fear what is not in our control, instead spend each moment of being alive with the knowledge that every new day you are given another chance to be here. Do as much as you can to make it good for yourself and the life forms you share the planet with.

Ultimately death will come - This is only the point of change, forever we all will play a role in life...whatever your belief
Lauren Renee said…
You know... it's insane to me how many people seem to forget this obvious truth.
We're so fixated on having the perfect bodies and prolonging our lives...
but what happens when you don't wake up in the morning? Or you don't ever come home from the midnight drive?
What are people going to say about us after we're gone?
What are we leaving behind, guys?
Courtney Jayel said…
I love that. Just a heads up.
kaye said…
thanks for the reminder.

there doesn't seem to be a lot these days, what with the disillusionment of the material world.
maddie kim said…
every second we are alive, we become closer to death .
i just think its incredibly SCARY because it can strike without warning .. says the fifteen year old kid .
some days, i think about those people who were too afraid to live .. and then sometimes i think about those people that never lived enough .
i just love the truth of that statement . i really do . WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE .

PS . you should watch this movie called mr. nobody . its a french foreign film, i believe . its really beautiful . its about the choices we make in life, and its about living your life to the fullest .
Miguel Cristo said…
Dear Stephen,
What inspired this post? Sincerely, Michael Thordarson (your friend).

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