the song 'empires' is available exclusively on anchor&braille's vinyl 'FELT' available here


-JEss- said…
Stephen, I love the song.
I have the felt album since it release and still been listening to it! do you plan on touring Anchor & Braille anytime soon? let us know (:
Brett said…
So fragile and beautiful, like all of Felt. Please tell me the vinyl has proper credits and liner notes: I've had the download since Day 1 and would love to know the names of all involved.
James said…
Just beautiful, almost a vulnerable feel to it. I have Felt on CD, but have no record player :/

I'm sure if there was a way of giving the track away as an mp3 to anyone who donates to Faceless it would be win win all round.
Anonymous said…
Haunting and beautiful.I need to go cry now.My abandonment issues just bubbled to the surface and are overwhelming me. What a gorgeous song.
Sven said…
full video coming soon.
Anonymous said…
This song could possibly replace 'The Haunting' as my favorite. Tragic love is my Achilles heel and the theme of my life. You have captured it again. You are killing me here. I can't wait to see the video.
Paul said…
what Anonymous said. Dude you make so many tear jerking songs.

It's my sincere hope that you continue to make music for the rest of your days.
Miguel Cristo said…
Dear Estaban (a.k.a.) Stephen,
I am anxious to hear the whole song. That teaser was amazing. Now, that I have that out of the way, on to more important matters.
James, this is directed at you, so here it is: Why should Stephen give away his "vulnerable" music for free, if someone donates to Faceless (his other "vulnerable" passion)? Why can't you (a fan) do both, for him? ("it would be a win all around")
Great stuff, Stephen (my innocent, fun-loving, still-distant friend). -Michael.
Raul said…
Suicide inducing...sing like a man...man'
Anonymous said…
It's a pity you post less and less these days. Your thoughts were inspiting.
Anonymous said…
^ I agree with the above statement. I really miss you Stephen...come back to your blog! It doesn't need to be a masterpiece to share it...just open back up and let your thoughts flow...seems like you are retreating lately.
Bee said…
Aahh.. How may I get this ?? Please make download available.. Thanks

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