you are safe here...

i wrote a 'book' for my mother, it is about her parents and their escape from the hardships of germany in world war II. i am in the process of creating a website for it for those who want to read it for free. i found my opa's (grandfathers) 30 page journal and set out to create into a dialog and story without distorting the truth or message. i will deliver soon, hope you enjoy it.


Morisu said…
looking forward to reading it :)
Rachelrie said…
I look forward to reading it as well. The chance to tell someone else's story - such a privilege and a gift.
Michelle said…
Looking forward to reading it. My Opa wrote a book for the children and grandchildren about the family history and their time in the Japanese camps. So this is a subject close to my heart.
Trinity said…
This is such an amazing story about perseverance, faith, hope, and love. Thank you for sharing it.
Nateyomatey said…
this is a very similar story to the one my grandfather tells of his childhood during and immediately after the second world war. he lived much of his childhood as a german refugee in yugoslavia.
although he doesn't remember much german anymore, my highschool years have take me back to the land he once called home.
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