
Emily said…
I think that shows up in how much the generation(s) seem(s) to be struggling to find something to fight for... That's one of the reasons I intend to be a philosophy professor--to teach the younger generations about what love and justice and truth are through the minds of such writers as Plato and Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine.
Liana said…
Sadly enough, I have to say this is true for myself. My spotty wifi causes me to panic and sweat whenever I can't get online. I try telling myself, "It's not that big a deal! Your new emails will all be spam and nobody does anything important on Facebook! Pick up the phone and call people! Read a book, watch a movie, play your guitar!" But the idea that I can't depend on my internet 24/7 is disconcerting, indeed.
Anonymous said…
That's very true for my generation nowadays, it's like. . . I really don't know how to explain it, haha, but I only wish some of us would just grow up. These types of things grow on you, and loose morals aren't really the best asset in this world.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Are you totally retarded? Do you have any idea of the racist rants of "Dr." Cornel West?????
avigayil said…
to quote you (not in a suck up way), i want to fight for something and i want to deem something worthy to die for. it's funny, because as humans we desire both to become individuals with our own thoughts and actions, but we also have an innate desire to be accepted and part of a group. i guess one of the points of our existence is to find a balance of the two.
Natey said…
Bumped (almost literally) into him on campus today. I took the off chance that he would reply to a simple, polite "hello," and I was quite pleasantly rewarded with a "good afternoon."

As for the quote, nothing to contradict. A very wise, straightforward man :) Plus, he looks like David Crowder somewhat.
Nomadding Nina said…
This was lovvely to read

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