George Washington would never have joined the UN

George Wasington was once quoted as saying "a nation can never abandon its fate to anauthority it cannot control," a warning clearly of entangling itself against alliances. What would think of theUnited Nations?


MH said…
Interesting point. Of course, this is also coming from the president who foresaw exactly what's happening in our country: political divide that is often bitter and sometimes violent.

In his final speech as president (please check this one for me; I'm not one hundred percent positive on it) he warned his country about divides. Or something along those lines.

But back to your point. The idea of the United Nations (originally the Leage of Nations) was founded not to entangle alliances, but to try and prevent war when necessary, and was thought up by another of our presidents. Obviously, the last bit of the aforementioned statement seems to be a little forgotten.

As for corruption...that's as old as time itself.

~The fan of good writing and C.S. Lewis
Anonymous said…
actually....the League of Nations original intent was to end war FOREVER! No more war! But what is funny is the League of Nations, now UN technically ROBBED!!!!! Germany after WW1, thus leading to depression. They didn't reconstruct Germany, rather just left is destructed to fend for itself, while they took money from the country to pay back the WW1 Debts. This state of bankruptcy and depression led to a low moral in the state of Germany, ergo leaving them susceptible to tyrant rule.....Thus "UN" of today helped cause Hitlers rise in Germany, his massmurder of millions, and the deaths of like numbers in ww2.......Thanks for the diplomacy United Nations, I salute you.
Anonymous said…
actually....the League of Nations original intent was to end war FOREVER! No more war! But what is funny is the League of Nations, now UN technically ROBBED!!!!! Germany after WW1, thus leading to depression. They didn't reconstruct Germany, rather just left is destructed to fend for itself, while they took money from the country to pay back the WW1 Debts. This state of bankruptcy and depression led to a low moral in the state of Germany, ergo leaving them susceptible to tyrant rule.....Thus "UN" of today helped cause Hitlers rise in Germany, his massmurder of millions, and the deaths of like numbers in ww2.......Thanks for the diplomacy United Nations, I salute you. -Heath.
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