insane article

i can believe this happening around the world, but here in America???


Anonymous said…
hey stephen this is h**th Bl*ck. haha. One thing I'd like to say about your political posts as of late is not sway to the left or to the right, but rather you should follow the middle? Both sides have their valid points, both have their idiocy's. Pro-life is Republican ground, while feeding the poor is Democrat ground. These are both very...."Christian" ideals, if you will, but both are very blatantly obvious in their violation of the Gospel.....I am not saying one side is better than another, I am not saying one side is more "christian" than another.....but what I am saying is Follow Jesus' grace, love, and hope of the gospels, follow his commandments, follow his call for you because Partisanship is only distorting the true gospel of Jesus Christ. So neither sway left nor right, but follow the way the truth and the light.
Anonymous said…
hey stephen this is h**th Bl*ck. haha. One thing I'd like to say about your political posts as of late is not sway to the left or to the right, but rather you should follow the middle? Both sides have their valid points, both have their idiocy's. Pro-life is Republican ground, while feeding the poor is Democrat ground. These are both very...."Christian" ideals, if you will, but both are very blatantly obvious in their violation of the Gospel.....I am not saying one side is better than another, I am not saying one side is more "christian" than another.....but what I am saying is Follow Jesus' grace, love, and hope of the gospels, follow his commandments, follow his call for you because Partisanship is only distorting the true gospel of Jesus Christ. So neither sway left nor right, but follow the way the truth and the light.
Anonymous said…
hey stephen this is h**th Bl*ck. haha. One thing I'd like to say about your political posts as of late is not sway to the left or to the right, but rather you should follow the middle? Both sides have their valid points, both have their idiocy's. Pro-life is Republican ground, while feeding the poor is Democrat ground. These are both very...."Christian" ideals, if you will, but both are very blatantly obvious in their violation of the Gospel.....I am not saying one side is better than another, I am not saying one side is more "christian" than another.....but what I am saying is Follow Jesus' grace, love, and hope of the gospels, follow his commandments, follow his call for you because Partisanship is only distorting the true gospel of Jesus Christ. So neither sway left nor right, but follow the way the truth and the light.
MH said…
"but here in America."

Interesting comment, considering that the bias against Christians even in the South isn't exactly completely hidden. For the majority of my life in public school, being totally honest and open about what you believed could easily earn you a good deal of dislike from all sides. The world is fallen, imperfect. Such things happen everwhere, even in America. They shouldn't, and it is horribly depressing when these things do happen, but no country is ever entirely safe.
Anonymous said…
with the legal attacks against christianity, did you really think physical violence was that far away? prayer has been taken out of the schools, out of high school sports (pre-game prayers), they tried to get it out of the pledge of allegiance. it's been a long time coming, and it's gonna happen more in the upcoming years, i think.


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