spin magazine book club

modesty. click here to see my spin book club selection for this month. there is even a short video to check out that i did in seattle before bumbershoot.
happy thanksgiving!


Anonymous said…
I had to read that book in grade 10, along with 1984 by George Orwell, and I didn't really like it very much. I found some parts really interesting, but it was mostly kind of boring to me. I think part of the reason may be because I never fully understood the book.
And I still haven't quite figured out how to say Lenina.
guard my dreams said…
i havent read this book, but the your description of it does remind me somewhat of 1984. I enjoyed 1984 so much i might want to try Brave New World. also from your description V for Vendetta came to mind. that was one incredible movie. anyone who has read Brave New World, is it anything like either of those two stories?
Anonymous said…
Incase Modesty readers don't know, Stephen is also writing a novella.
evLan said…
y do u sign u're signiture as estaban? i'm not getting that one . . . is it an inside joke or sumthin?
- Katie
evLan said…
dude just want to say that i love love love love love the Lost Songs cd. my fav on there so far is 'enjoy the silence'.
Anonymous said…
I'm definitely getting this book. I was considering it when I read Meg's description, and then you said it was the Doors of Perception guy...
I'm currently quite obbessed with Jim Morrison, so I'm very excitedt to read this :)
Anonymous said…
Brave New World! Love this book, and frankly, it's a bit scary how much of Huxley's predictions have come true.

See: (ignorance is bliss, excess commercialism, brainwashing, promiscuity, a lack of emphasis on history, etc.)

I love this book and 1984 as well, but I must admit that they do frighten me.
Anonymous said…
I also read this book in high school for my english class. We then had to pick a topic and write a research essay on anything to do with the book. I wrote some eight pages on cosmetic surgery and how superficial our society is today. Your book choice along with some of the other things you've written about this leads me to believe we have some of the same views on this topic. It'd be interesting to discuss sometime.
Anonymous said…
ps. I see Veronika Decides to Die is on your favorite books list.
That is one of the best books I have ever read. I was surprised to see it on there. Most people haven't even heard of it. I guess books like that are really only interesting to those fascinated with philosophy.
Kenya said…
i've been thinking about building up my library collection and read more books before the school year's over. i've also been waiting for your selection. this book sounds so interesting, and i would love to read it. i will definetly watch out for it.

Hans said…
I'd actually been considering reading this book for awhile, and I suppose your recommendation pushes me over the edge.
Anonymous said…
I'm completely sold on reading this book...and I've been looking for a good read lately too. So thanks for the recommendation.

"Not to mention the fact that Huxley is a master of the English language and I'm naming my first born anything after him."

Oh that's brilliant. =)

Anonymous said…
I'm actually reading BNW in school right now. I took note of your views when I was re-reading the chapters I had just finished, it helped me understand some aspects of the book better. (It helped with the class discussions that we have in class, too). Thanks.
Lexi said…
Brave New World has long been one of my favorite books, and I find it frightening/startling how so many aspects of the book have been made manifest in modern society.

Personally, I equate "soma" to the various "prescription" drugs that the world has become so dependent upon. We have pills to make us artificially happy, more "social", calm "anxieties", etc. Diseases are invented/concocted simply to produce a pill to cure them [i.e. Restless Leg Syndrome...I mean...come, now].

The worship of Ford parallels American consumerism... objects and things are the new God to worship and live or die for.

"Savages" do exist. Except, we refer to them as "third world." So many continue blissfully and ignorantly on with their own selfish endeavors without regard or care for the less fortunate, who are, actually, the more spiritually-enlightened. The impoverished and unfortunate know true gratitude, love, pain, etc, but do WE really?

The book is riddled with numerous other themes that have been made manifest, such as genetic engineering and an elevated level of governmental/political control, et all.

Yet again, I recommend to you the film Zeitgeist
dana said…
Someone in one of my classes did a presentation on this book...and there was a related book they presented that was very interesting, but I can't remember it.

And I can't wait for your own masterpiece to come out...anxiously awaiting it
Anonymous said…
I'm definitely reading this book, I was going to get it tonight but they don't have any copies in at the library. My friends have read this for their english class and really liked it, it sounds great.
Chris said…
Just got Brave New World/Brave New World Revisited which includes insights, interview and more...I'll let you know how it goes.
Anonymous said…
you're pretty sexy.
ness* said…
you're pretty sexy.
x said…
i love brave new world; it's one of my favorite books. i love books about dystopian societies. it's often been compared to 1984, but 1984 is about a governmentally-forced dystopia-- brave new world is perhaps more chilling in that it describes a dystopia that all the members want-- a life of pleasure, albeit meaningless.

i have also read veronika decides to die and i also enjoyed that book. paulo coelho is amazing.

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