this week Kentucky Fried Chicken is giving away free meals with the coupon you can find here:


you can help feed the homeless in your community by printing this free coupon out (good for a whole meal!)
and distributing it to anyone you see that looks like they need a free meal. be a blessing to those less fortunate.
AND giving away a free meal opens up a door to some great conversations and starting friendships!


Anonymous said…
wow this is perfect! cause i prefer to buy the homeless meals instead of give them money, so they cant use it for the wrong reasons! thank you for the heads up Stephen this is perfect!
Anonymous said…
check the list of "participating KFC's" at the coupon site! I hear they are NOT all accepting them...only the ones listed! Great idea though!
- m said…
oh this is such a cool idea! the stupid things aren't printing on my computer though...
Eric said…
Great idea!
Anonymous said…
I dido everything said so far
Anonymous said…
the promotion ended.
Lis said…
KFC is no longer distributing coupons but you can find it here: http://www.freewareweb.com/TO8762H/KFC_Coupon_Oprah.pdf
Liz M. said…
Oh no, Oprah took all the chicken...:P

Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
I am always amazed that we don't automatically just feed the hungry as often as we can instead of waiting on "free" coupons that don't cause us to sacrifice what God has blessed us with and somehow this makes people feel good? We are commanded by our God to feed the hungry and I don't see anywhere in my version of scripture where it says to only do when a coupon is available. Come on believers giving should be automatic and daily.
Nomad said…
for that final "Raincheck" verdict, it sounds like KFC is banking on the fact that people hate filling out forms and therefore won't do it
Anonymous said…
Many people decry the homeless situation in the United States, yet fail to realize that the homeless rate in the United States per capita is one of the lowest if not the lowest in the World. Our homeless rate in the US is less than three tenths of one-percentile.

Capitalism pushes people up and socialism pushes people down and that is the truth.
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Personally I'd rather actually spend money and buy a homeless person a vegan meal than supporting the cruelty that is KFC. No offence Stephen, I just care about animals as much as I care about people and the way that KFC treat chickens is appalling.
mat said…
add this to the list of reasons i pray that the eyes of my heart will be opened the same way yours are so that i can become as resourceful as you when it comes to being such a 'giver'. great idea. i went there with a printed out coupon, but what they're doing is taking those as rain checks and mailing out the real coupons (due to an overwhelming response they have had to backlog the coupons) you better believe my buddy that hangs out under the off-ramp on I-81 here in syracuse is gettin mine.

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