well let me start out with an apology, i have not seen a computer in quite some time. therefore have not had a chance to write to you, but thanks so much for all the emails. im sitting here in new york city, at the murray hill theatre recovering from a late night (early morning) and a most interesting taxi ride home. i saw several bands that i had been interested in seeing for some time (my chemical romance, death by murder, tora tora torance). tonight is the highlight, mars volta (in my opinion the pink floyd of the 2000's.

current music im listening to: (no paticular order)

!. cursive (ugly organ) *saddle creek records- its like the cure+238 x emo from omaha=cursive

2. mars volta-deloused in the comatorium- think at the drive in - sparta= mars

3. radiohead- hail to the thief * could have been the album before kid a and after ok, songs 1,6,13, and 14 are going on their greatest hits album.

4. damien rice- o * rebirth of folk. poetry as lyrics, amazing album

5. frou frou- self titled? underground brit-techno; think orbital meets bjork and cranberries.

6. over the rhine-ohio *female folk with more amazing lyrics, think angela griner meets o brother where out though= ohio

7. saves the day- in revverie. chris must have listend to a couple beach boy albums. smoking popes meets a lazy beatle. not their best album but still great vocal melody lines.

8. circle of birds (burnt toast vinyl) instrumental music that inspires reverence. i discovered these guys on vinyl in seatle, through josh from saxon shore (another burnt toast amazing band).

9.DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE- TRANSATLANTICISM. amazing. amazing. amazing. thier best in my opinion since "the votes are in" song #7 is on the soundtrack of my life.

10. Interpol- turn on the bright lights NY garage rock. think inteligent strokes... but dark.


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