acoustic show w/aaron marsh (*copeland)

Aaron Marsh * Copeland
w/ stephen christian *anberlin
& pimberly
Monday, January 16th @ The CSC (adjacent to UF)
112 NW 16th St.
Gainesville, Florida 32603, USA
doors open at 8:30 $5 Pre-sale/ $7 Door
352-379-7375 for more info


k said…
gainesville, eh? maybe stevie will get a visit this week.
Anonymous said… you make it so hard to choose which time to see you...I want to see you in orlando becuase i'll already be there..but I live in gainesville..and I love you aaron and franc..maybe both I supose.
MH said…
AWWWWWW. Two of my favorite people performing together in one room...and guess who has to write a paper in another state...? Yep, you guessed it.
Morgan said…
When are y'all coming back to Southern California?!
Cori said…
Us Gainesvillites have been lucky lately :) I will be happy to see you again.

Anonymous said…
HECK YEAH! I will definately be there. When does it start, though?

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