speaking engagement/orlando

i am speaking on dating relationships this sunday in orlando, florida.
for more info check out whatsyourstatus.com


Anonymous said…
aww... im living in b.o.r.i.n.g. nj, and therefore will be nowhere near your talk? i am extremely curious though, what are you going to say?
Anonymous said…
ahh I really want to hear you speak on this but I know I wont be able to make it..is it being taped? and if so is there any way I could get a copy?
Anonymous said…
Why can't I just live in Orlando? I should move there for you! Ha! All those speeches you do! Why can't I go to them! I MUST SEE IT!!! Ughh, well good luck I'll pray for you.
Anonymous said…
stephen, if i wasn't working till 10, i'd be there. i've been meaning to check status out for a while, but i usually close sundays.

Anonymous said…
I totally wanna know what you have to say...so can you PLEASE post it?? Pretty phu-lease???...with a cherry on top???
Anonymous said…
what exactly are your qualifications on the subject?
k said…
to the person before me: since when did relationships/love require any sort of qualification? i would say, if anything, that no qualification is necessary, for everyone will fail and/or lack in this area at one point in there lives--whether it may be when you're 6 or 60.

just wondering, no hostility, i promise.

i'm so bummed i couldn't make it out to hear you speak (especially since it was in orlando this time...not gainesville). you'll be seeing an e-mail from me in the near future on such a topic.
til then take care,
kris :)

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