
!JHwe said…
Thank you for the wisdom on love. I especially loved the quote about it being a dance sole counterpoint and coming together...very insightful thanks
Anonymous said…
I added it to my Myspace.
Kate said…
i started reading "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius" cause you said it was one of your top 5 books of 2004, and i had read most of the others on your list. Just thought I would share.
Anonymous said…
Pre-ordered it a week or so ago. :)
Anonymous said…
i have to say that this is a very interesting piece. for me personally, it speaks a lot of truth, truth that i have recently found in my own life. i've been bruised by relationships, but in getting to know God, i in essence am beginning to know myself. c.s. lewis once said "The more we let God take over, the more truly ourselves we become-because he made us." i feel your comment on growing to be mrs. or mr. right speaks to this. moreover i just want to say i appreciate your writing, and it is always comforting to know that we are not alone in our thoughts and emotions. God Bless.

ps. i meant to comment on this one first....but i messed up.

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