come become the change... INDIA!

Faceless International is taking a trip this winter to Kalcuta India & YOUR INVITED to come with us! the dates for the faceless trip will be: December 26th-Jan.5th.

We will be flying into Kolkata India; the day of arrival and will be staying there for 2 days for a time of sight seeing, good food, shopping, and relaxing. We will then take another short flight to Hyderabad, in Southern India. In Hyderabad, we will be volunteering at a school that is in desperate need of help.

The school is in a remote part of India where volunteers do not regularly come. They take in girls who have been trafficked, and teach them things like English and other school courses. Having an education gives the girls a chance to create a successful life for themselves and limits the chance of them re-entering the sex trade.

We will be participating in construction, to teaching English or music, or applying your gifts/talents to these beautiful children. Other activities that we will be helping with are up to the group and their individual talents and desires (i.e. hair cutting, photography, musical, medical, art, etc.) We could put your talents and skills to good use-either with the girls or by building them a great school! Even if you don’t know what your talent’s are yet WE NEED YOU! There is SO much you could help with. We will then end our trip again in Kolkata for a brief stay before we head back home.

please contact sarah( if you would like more information/application.

come become the change,
Stephen Christian
faceless international


Anonymous said…
It's so awesome that you're already planning another trip. I wish I could go to India but as long as I'm living with my parents I won't be able to go on a humanitarian trip so far away. This summer I am finally going on a mission trip though. It's only to West Virginia but I'm really excited because the average yearly income there is only $19,843 and they could really use the help.
God Bless what you are doing Stephen.
Anonymous said…
that really sounds amazing, if i was a bit older i'd go! but i hope it goes awesomely, i'll pray for all you guys
Shy Soul said…
I'm soooo stoked to go, but I still have to tell my parents and family that I will have to cut my x-mas stay short. But I hope and pray that I will be able to go. I have been dying to do something like this, help change someones life.
Hans said…
You know, I thought about your trip in the summer, and I'll think about this, too. I have acquaintances/friends in Hyderabad, and it would be a true pleasure to see their city.

That said, I'm still weighing other options, such as a year of missions or international service of some sort, and if I did something in that line, it would supercede things like this.

Still, I am intrigued.
Shy Soul said…
I just had the information sent for the trip, and I can't afford it. I saddens me, because I really wanted to go.
Anonymous said…
just sent an email over, crossing my fingers :)
ZarinaK said…
I want too. But i can't afford it. And i might be a bit too young.
But this is such an awesome thing to do. I wish i could do it.
Anonymous said…
i was just thinking today about how nice it would be to spend the holidays doing good for others rather than just sitting on my tush doing nothing...this seems like it could be an excellent opportunity
Anonymous said…
For those of you who say you can't afford it, yes it may be a huge chunk of money, but between donation letters, fund raising, and just plain saving like crazy, it's not that hard to raise all of the money.
Don't let the fact that you're poor, or maybe don't have a job stop you. Hec, it isn't stopping me from going on the trip to Guatemala!
If you're meant to go, God will provide a way!
Anonymous said…
I just sent in my application. I'm really hoping to get to be apart of this amazing opportunity.
Anonymous said…
I'm going and I cannot wait. This is something I've wanted to do for some time now, but the opportunity hadn't really presented itself until now.
Looking forward to this, so much.
Anonymous said…
i'm going too, and i could not be more excited
Anonymous said…
aw man.
i haven't got anything back.
have fun guys!
Anonymous said…
"you're all invited"
"your all invited"

learn your contractions son!
Ragan Elizabeth said…
this is so awesome! i am involved with a group at my school and this year we put on a charity concert for this exact reason. i got all the bands and made the line up and we gave all the money we raised to IJM and Love 146. i just talked to my mom about this trip and she said that if i wanted to go and felt Gods calling then we could both raise the money and go. i'm so excited. i'm going to pray about it today! but thank you so much for putting this information up here. i'll keep you and the organization in my prayers.

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