
his words ring true, this speech is simply inspiring.


Anonymous said…
I know that I, by all means, am nowhere near the perfect human being.

However, I find it hypocritical that you preach about ending poverty with your thousand dollar sunglasses on.

I don't have much to donate, money or time wise, but I try. Then I look at people in Hollywood (and by no means am I singling out Stephen or any other celebrity). The lavish lifestyle I find to be obsurd.
Do we need that multi-million dollar house?
Do we need that 90 inch flat screen?
Do we need the 20 inch rims?
Do we need the Mercedes?
Do you need the new pair of jeans (when there's 9 in the closet at home)?

(I know I'm criticising others when I should worry about myself and the things I buy... my SUV, my phone, my shoes, everything that I could have done with something a little cheaper [and donated the extra] and just as feasible)

Isn't there an alternative that serves the same purpose and could provide just as much happiness?

"It makes you think about the life you've lead, the shit you've done, the things you've said... and it's grounding. Grounding."
Anonymous said…
At the end of the speech when he starts the "God is..." part It gave me chills. A truly inspiring speech
dryan said…
No offense, Joe, well hell maybe some offense, but that attitude is exactly what turns me off to christianity in general. Here's Bono, a man who clearly has faults, but has done more than nearly anyone I can think of currently living to actually make changes in the lives of the forgotten, and how is he received? With criticism for what he wears and what he drives. Lame. God damn (in every sense of the phrase) lame. You say you don't have much but you try. Bono has a lot, and he tries, too. There's the hypocrisy, sir. Judging someone on the very grounds you ask to be saved from judgment on.

We live in an age where the secular world (albeit Bono, I believe is motivated by his religious beliefs) is not only doing something to improve the world, but they're doing more than the church has ever dreamed. And I mean tangible change, not just religious conversions. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett donated 90% of the two largest fortunes ever amassed to raising the quality of living for those who need it most. Bono raises awareness of the AIDS pandemic in Africa. I'm not saying that the church isn't trying to help, but it does have the same kind of money and ability but doesn't work as effectively.

Steven, I love you man and love the things you are doing. In all the years I've known you, I can honestly say you've tried, too. And I thank you.
Anonymous said…
Dryan - that is where you are completely wrong. Warren Buffet pledged 5% of his wealth annually as long as Bill or Melinda Gates are running their foundation, and if they die or step down, he will no longer donate to them. Think of it this way - he donated 2.something Billion last year, but his net worth increased over 10 billion. Does that make sense to you? It doesn't to me. I will say some good things about Waren Buffet - he pledged $100million to charity if a majority of Fortune 500 CEO's would state publicly that they paid less percentage in taxes than their secretaries did. Nobody followed, but everybody knew what he was getting at. (The rich aren't taxed in the U.S. like you think... if you couldn't figure that out.) And he also lives in a modest house in Omaha, Nebraska. I live there. I have been to his house. You think you need the million dollar house? This guy's worth 62billion and his house is worth less than 500,000. Say something for the necessity of a large house?

I didn't criticize him for what he (specifically) drives, I criticized the wealthy in general. And I'm criticizing them for the sole fact that many have the option to change, and rarely any do. And I did criticize myself as well (if you didn't see that), for being hypocritical. And this has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with my religious beliefs. For all you know, I could be hindu. I could be buddhist. Where does anything say that I am a christian? Don't blame anything on being a certain religious belief, because for all you know... I'm not what you think. Nor does it say that you must think a certain way to be of a certain religious following. The way you think may influence your beliefs, but it doesn't mean that is specifically what you are. A Catholic could secretly resent everything about religion? Would it be logical? Not really, but it happens.

There is a huge difference in someone who has little and tries and someone who has a lot and "tries."

Think of it this way - someone who has millions in his checking account as disposable income can and should, in my eyes, be held accountable for donating more money than someone who is living paycheck to paycheck. Do you not agree? Someone who doesn't have to work another day in their life (because they have achieved already) should be donating more time than a college student, who is in class for 20 hours a week, plus works a mediocre job (and no spare money) for another 20 hours a week, and spends most of the rest of their time studying, agreed?

I am trying to say that there is so much more that could and SHOULD be done by those who are able to, and they don't.

I never said that I should be saved from judgement either. If I am going to judge someone else, then it is only fair for them and/or others to be able to judge me on my flaws as well. I'm open to criticism. Isn't that the point of being outspoken? I say what I believe, and what I believe may be wrong, but I say it. Go ahead, be outspoken, criticize me all you want. (Did you read Stephens other message about asking for constructive feedback? Well this is my calling to you - go ahead and criticize me.) Isn't that what Dr. King did? He was critical of others, and he took criticism too.
kellie said…
i'm glad bono spends his time doing stuff instead of bickering about it.

cheers to you mate!

what a good guy.

thanks for that esteban, i enjoyed it quite well.
. said…
dryan, by no means am I encouraging an argument, but when talking about all that Bono and the wealthy have done you said, "I'm not saying that the church isn't trying to help, but it does have the same kind of money and ability but doesn't work as effectively." You also however said that Bono's causes were likely a result of his faith, to me it sounds like the church has done plenty to inspire Bono. The church inspires people from all walks of life from Bono, to the normal everday person. That being said the church has used it's ability far more effectively than we could ever fathom. You can't put a price on inspiring people to care. The fact that Bono never quits trying to help is a true testimate to his character.
Design History said…
Thank you so much for posting this. There is some really good stuff in there... so refreshing.
Anonymous said…
Not to interrupt all the good stuff going here. But how do you either of you know what's in each other's heart or the wealthy's? How do you both know that you are not arguing with the Lord right now? If any of you stopped to think that you were talking to Jesus would you be saying the same thing? Something to think about. How about this.....what if Jesus was here and left already while you two were arguing over this righteous point?
Anonymous said…
What if they don't believe in Jesus? Then that would have no effect on either of them.
Anonymous said…
see the thing is, like he said, it's not a burden it's an adventure, if God is for us who can be against us? It is our job to make an impact on our society no matter our race or religion. Love thy neighbor as thyself, when people are as wealthy as Bono, we tend to think that they love themselves more, but Bono is constantly setting the record straight about where his loyalties lie, not with himself but with God and God's will to help the needy. are we setting the record straight about our alegiance, see we can't all pledge money, but what about our time, what about the way we educate our children, so they don't just look the other way? we all have a job, so lets criticize ourselves, since we all fall short, rather than pointing a finger at the wealthy. I want a say in the way the future looks, in this country and others we have an opportunity to put in our say. Let's not get lazy, so that we tolerate selfish behavior.
Anonymous said…
Sometimes 'the church' is a misnomer. The Church is not a building or a structured organization, but any individual that stands for what 'it' (the church) believes in. That representation can be in the form of a sole person (such as Bono) or a group of people who come together (such as a congregation)...This is, of course, in my opinion, but I think fellow Christians would agree. So when we speak of 'the church' not living up to its duty, I think it's important that our perception of what those words truly mean should be considered. In this example, Bono is representing the church.

Otherwise, I got shivers at that speech.
Anonymous said…
...^^^I should add to that, that I meant he's representing in a good way. ~Shannon
Anonymous said…
Bono, whilst playing a gig in Glasgow, got the whole crowd to be silent and then began slowly clapping his hands. He got the crowd to clap along for a while, the stadium quite except for the rhythmic clapping….

After a short period Bono spoke, saying that every time he clapped his hands a child in Africa died.

Suddenly from the front row of the venue a voice broke out in a thick Scottish brogue, ending the silence as it echoed across the crowd. The voice cried out to Bono, “Well, stop clapping”.

Urban myth or not, I believe I have made my point here. It’s one thing to support charity it’s quite another to preach it upon others – which is exactly what Bono does.

Well said Joe.
Anonymous said…
In response to anonymous.. I see your point in saying that for every clap is a moment wasted where charity could be applied, but I don't see his stance as 'preachy' so much as educational. Some people need that kind of strong suggestion. Everyone can use an eye-opener every now and then. It was a good way to illustrate a point, and the more people who are made aware, the more numbers there are to help.
berryar89 said…
I respect what bono has to say and the help that he does offer to strive for better or even the awareness he raises. I find it inspiring and I find stephen inspiring as well. They both want to make a difference and do and I admire that. Thank you Stephen!
Unknown said…
About this argument...

Bono says that it's not about charity, it's about justice. People focus on the money but money doesn't make the world go around.
Unknown said…
Forgot to add...this made me cry at the end.
Anonymous said…
Dryan - one place you forgot was the place where Bono helps overseas, but he forgets those IN OUR COUNTRY. I know of at least 3 homeless shelters in my city (Omaha, NE) that are run by churches or the catholic archdiocese. Does Bono help those who struggle in our country? Not in the least. I think that we should be helping the people in our country before we expand to help all others. It's kind of along the lines of fix what's wrong with yourself before you fix others.
Tori said…
Well unfortunately this video is no longer available. However, on the topic of Bono, his address at the National Breakfast in 2006 is absolutely brilliant. For a galvanizing read,

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