one week.


chris said…
oh my gosh, is it really out in one week?
Anonymous said…
Who did the cover art? I love the illustration. It's so Picasso-esque.
Anonymous said…
how can we get a copy of it?
Anonymous said…
One week!? Where can I get it?
kellie said…
borders here i come!
Jeremy B said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jeremy B said…
"From a lesser known, I'm here and there's hope, there's hope" :)
candace parker said…
I found it on Amazon for those who don't know where to find it. :)

I'm so ridiculously excited. oh my goodness.
Anonymous said…
Yay for preordering! Go to
dana said…
finally! yes! this totally made my day.
Anonymous said…
Wow I didn't think the book would be coming out so soon! I'm so excited to get my hands on this. :]
Raechel said…
Congrats! This is amazing!
Anonymous said…
oh wow. that is soo exciting.
cannot waitt.
i'm sure it will be amazing.
best of luck!
Anonymous said…
awesome cover design - can't wait to read it!
Latrina said…
One week!? Wow, I was just telling my boyfriend how I'm so excited because you're releasing your book this Spring. Yay, its a lot sooner that I was thinking. I'm stoked!
Anonymous said…
I guess I have to break my promise to myself I made about not buying any more books until I finished all the ones I already have...
Emily Grace said…
guard my dreams said…
i, for one, cannot wait to read it. i am having some trouble finding where to buy seems to be out of stock. anyone know where i can get one?
Anonymous said…
Thank You.
- Zarina
Phillip D said…
Ridiculously excited. I cannot wait.

Latrina said…
Ordered. I'm so excited! :D
Anonymous said…
that is so freakishly awesome! I'm glad that you can be well rounded, rock and write. it's something I've often wanted to do. do you still answer the email
Latrina said…
I got my copy in the mail yesterday & so far I'm LOVING it. I really admire your writing style. It's intelligent, quick & kinda sporadic at times. I love it. :D

I'm amazed at how talented you are, how do you find the time to do SO much? You're very productive & in the best of ways. I really admire that. That is something I'm trying to pursue right now. :) Good luck with everything!

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