Please help. Give. be broken.

Please get involved.
this dear women has given her life to help orphans in Tanzania. She would love anyone to volunteer and go to Tanzania to help. If you cannot take the time off please send your prayers or thoughts. @ very minimum please email her and tell her thanks for making a difference in this world. Her email address is:
this is a letter she wrote me updating me on her life. Just read her heart below.

Hello Stephen,
Greetings from Moshi in Tanzania on a very hot day! Thank you so much for your word of encouragement, the team appreciates it very much, when their work is recognized... My family and I serve freely, and we try to answer every desperate cry for help... As you will have probably seen on our mission statement, we do not ask for any funding - although - sometimes our need is great, we just wait for hearts to be inspired to send us a donation so we can help more children and more of the unsupported people in the bush..... Each week, we are seeing more and more street children, whose parents have died of the Aids virus, coming to us for assistance. Last week we served over 200 street children at our Boma Kids Club with food, each week more of these poor desperate 'precious' children are turning to Light in Africa to help them..... If you would like to join us in our work, we would welcome your participation. Only when volunteers arrive with funding, can we do so much more to help. At present we have two teams of medical students from the UK who are completing the dispensary that they started to build last year, and they are also helping the medical team with our out reach program's in to the remote areas to assist the orphans and the elderly with medical care - some of whom would certainly die without our intervention... So funding for medicines is always needed Stephen, let me know if you would like any further information, we recommend Shafiq at Emslies if you require a quotation for travel as he specializes in student and missionary tickets, just give him an email and tell him you are considering volunteering for LIA... OK darling, hope to hear from you again...
mama lynn

for more information on her orphanage check out
i hope it broke you as it continually does me.


sakana said…
It may not yet time to post comment. My heart's shedding tears and I can't say a word.
She and her teams are making a difference in this world, devoting themselves to others even right now, while I am doing nothing that is helpful to anyone. I can't be like her, there seems to be nothing I can serve for the world. but there must be, I belive.
I'll just go to the website to know more, start seeking for the way I can help. Yes I will make a step forward.

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