
lorreta lux, from germany, is by far my favorite photographer of all time. i first discovered her on a haphazard trip to the chicago museum of art. her pictures were in the far right corner, and could have easily been looked over. but the mint green and dark amber red's was burned on my brain forever. the children could either be from a fantasy make believe world, or your darkest nightmare. either way, lorreta lux is a photographer everyone needs to know about.


Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
andrew said…
hot damn, i love spam. i'll have to check out lorreta sometime soon. thanks for the tips, monsieur stéphane.
Anonymous said…
ok that random person two comments ahead of me made me laugh "The pride and satisfaction of seeing your article published in a prestige directory is hard to beat.
Not all of us are gifted with the ability to write to professional standards"

she obviously doesnt realize how your stuff has been published, in a slightly different format, but still....
~Sarah said…
Josh lived in Germany for 15 years (his parents are missionaries) anyway, that's pretty cool
Sven said…
i dont want to take away anonymous because i believe some people want thier viewpoints & oppinions to be left in the shadows. which is completely understandable. i would rather daily check for spam than rip people off of that right.
Anonymous said…
There's a scuplture and objects of functional art (SOFA) exhibit coming to New York June 1-4, 2006, and Chicago Navy Pier October 28-30, 2005, i think you'll like it you seem like someone who'd appreciate that kinda stuff and it's going to be pretty amazing sofaexpo.com
hope you check it out
Anonymous said…
Yeeah that's cool you found out about her! A few months ago I saw her photographs in a magazine here and I've loved her work ever since. She has a very own 'handwriting' - a very own, unique style which is always a good thing.
Anonymous said…
i went, i saw, and i froze.

i mean, i love them! -megumi

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