boston, mass.


Anonymous said…
Stephen, I admire you, and your knowledge about subjects you obviously care about. Its inspiring.

I was just wondering, who do you consider your God to be? How would you describe him from a personal prespective?
I havn't read anything that you have written offering an answer to my question, because you pretty much only address christianity, from a viewpoint of what christians are or aren't, rather than who God is, or is not.
I'm interested...
Anonymous said…
You are amazing. I have so much respect for you and your views. If I am ever fortunate enough to get to where you are today in music, I hope I will be as honest and pure as you. I really would like to talk to you more, so if you do read this, just give me an e-mail at

I met you at Ridglea Theatre last night in Dallas, Texas. Thanks for staying afterwards and hanging out, unfortunately, my ride was leaving me, so I was only able to shake your hand and say that you were awesome. Hopefully we can talk another time!

- Jerry
Anonymous said…
wow that picture is beautiful. where was it taken?
Anonymous said…
Man Stephen who DOESN'T admire you? I just wanted to tell you I have been listening to your cover of "The Promise" over and over tonight. Its puts a feeling in my stomach. And I love it and i don't want to stop listening to it and go to bed like I should. My mom loves it too. It was her favorite song for a while and she likes your cover as well. But man I am IN LVE with it. Thanks for making it even if you were just having some fun or whatever. Talk to you soon.
Anonymous said…
-- As much as I love reading about your views on Christianity, Estaban, what really got me all worked up is seeing you say 'bullshit' on September 27th.

Makes me feeling slightly more normal. lol.

-- I really enjoyed reading that interview you did. As a Christian who just happens to be a musician it really rings true to what I am trying to do with my record.

-- The photo is beautiful. Where was it taken?

-- I miss seeing your name on aim. Where are you at the moment?
Anonymous said…
oh lovely boston my capital city.

on the tour joural you said that no one cared when you guys were there last time. i didn't know you played there last ocober, or else i would have forgotten about the sox and gone to the show.
i wish i could be at the show tomorrow, but my lack of money and transportation prohibits it. oh dang.
Morgan said…
Thanks for taking a stand when it's not always popular to do so... 1 Cor. 10:31!
MH said…
I feel so...claque-ish. I wanted to write and say how much I appreciate everything you write on, and how sad I was to see that not only was the trip to Nashville (finally a chance to thank you in person!) cancelled, but for family reasons. I sincerely hope things get better, or at the very least that peace is restored.
Anonymous said…
Stephen (et al) you rocked the house tonight at Avalon! Tried to catch up with you for a pic but it didn't work out. The show was so amazing!! Can't wait till you come round again. Hope you enjoyed the choco. choco. chip cookies!! And I hope you get to see more of our sweet, sweet city than just Yawkey Way, even though Fenway rocks all. Heart, Emily Grace
Anonymous said…
oh - ps - thanks for not swearing like it's your job. it was not unnoticed! E.G.
Anonymous said…
Can't quite understand the nature of the adulation you seem to have garnered. I assume you have a need to adise humanity that you have found 'the' path to enlightenment and are sharing that tidbit with us. Thankyou for your view... I shall engrave it on some high place upon a stella or obelisk for all time.

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