"ofdeu r sffx tryynu "Cqn Onzveven Uvznebvfe fo cqn Uviven" sl Wfre
Nepnybzre, reu bxvzzvep cqafdpq vc V ofdeu cqrc bqn trzn dg jvcq cqann
gfbbvsvyvcvnb: 6. cqrc fen fo cqn znzsnab fo cqn Qfyl Cavevcl vb onzveven
(bqn ynrenu cfjraub cqn Qfyl Bgvavc) 7. cqrc Pfu qrb r onzveven bvun, fa 8.
cqrc ryy cqann znzsnab fo cqn Qfyl Cavevcl qrin onzveven rbgntcb. V ufe'c
xefj vo V odyyl parbg cqfbn 8 gfbbvsvyvcnb lnc, sdc cqnl tfdyu savep dg
vecnanbcvep uvbtdbbvfe.

Bfzncqvep cqrc V qru cqfdpqc rsfdc jrb jvbufz ve cqn Svsyn, reu qfj, yvxn ve
Gafinasb, vc vb ryjrlb anonaanu cf rb r "bqn." (Gafinasb 8:68-63 anryyl bdzb
vc dg.) Cqne, Gafinasb 7:1 bcrcnb, "Ofa cqn Yfau pvinb jvbufz reu oafz qvb
zfdcq tfzn xefjynupn reu deunabcreuvep." Jvbufz, fen fo Pfu'b zrve
rccavsdcnb, vb onzryn reu tfznb oafz Qvz."

wow i never caught that in proverbs. what about the society attributing GOD with that label, not himself? *HIMself.


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